入学莫nday: 校园 传统, Lingo, and Tips

Our summer "入学莫nday" series continues with vocabulary lessons and tips and tricks for campus newcomers. 的 宿舍生活小组办公室 shared a bit of the lingo and traditions unique to 埃尔迈拉大学, along with general tips and terms specific to college life.


  • 的 "Puddle" is the pond in front of Cowles Hall.

  • 准备好唱出你的心声吧! 埃尔迈拉大学 has many traditional college songs that new students will learn during Orientation, 包括 阿尔玛的事.

  • 特殊的 传统和事件 像山之日, 节日宴会, 烛光等着你, connecting you to the students who came before. 而传统还在继续, each generation adds their unique twist, morphing the traditions through the years. Mountain Day isn't the same as it was in 1919 when it began, yet it remains one of the most beloved traditions. We can't wait to see how you will leave your mark on these traditions.

  • 的 Mark Twain Study just turned 150 years old! It is located near Cowles Hall and is where the famous author penned Tom Sawyer and other iconic works.

  • Cowles Hall sits atop Prospect Hill, which was once covered by irises. This is why the iris is a symbol at EC, and also why purple and gold are the College's official colors.

  • Octagons are also a symbol at 埃尔迈拉大学. 的 shape was popular when Cowles Hall was being built and octagons can be found in architectural and design elements all over campus.

  • 飞鹰吉祥物, 西缅, 向mg冰球突破豪华版下载城致敬, known as the "Soaring Capital of America."


  • 宿舍被称为宿舍.

  • Instructors are professors, not teachers.

  • Make sure you have everything you need for college life by checking out the EC装箱单 from the 宿舍生活小组办公室.

  • RA代表住校助理. This is an upper-class student who lives on your floor to help you adjust to college life.

  • CC (Community Coordinator) is a professional Residence Life staff member who lives and works on campus.

  • Make sure to fill out the Room Condition Report (RCR) within 24 hours of moving into your space. You will receive these at move-in.

  • 照顾好自己. Get rest, get a balanced diet with lots of healthy foods, and stay active. You can find the fitness center in Emerson Hall, located near the Speidel Gymnasium.

  • Avoid wearing your student ID on a lanyard. 这是一个很容易失去它的方法.

  • Take a walk to find buildings and classrooms BEFORE classes start. This will ensure a smooth first day of classes and keeps sheepish glances at the campus map to a minimum.

  • Leave plenty of time to get to classes and plan to arrive a few minutes early.

  • 参与校园活动! 有50多名学生 俱乐部和组织 at Elmira that will help make the transition to college life easier.

有问题? 的 宿舍生活小组办公室 总是在这里帮忙吗.
