At Elmira College, we’re here to help you along your educational journey.

EC is committed to diversity, inclusion, 以及全球意识,因为我们用促进体验式学习的编程来教育今天的学生, and provides opportunities to become leaders and involved with the surrounding community.

Art students work at the pottery wheel
Two students work in Elmira College's community garden

The following information is designed to help you prepare for your arrival at EC.  We encourage you to download our Pre-Arrival Guide for more detailed information and to use as a reference as you travel.

Post Acceptance

Before You Arrive

Finalize Admissions Requirements: Submit any outstanding requirements, such as enrollment deposits, final transcripts, or other documentation. 与招生办公室沟通,确保你充分了解从拿到I-20到到达校园之间必须发生的一切. Additional information is available in the Pre-Arrival Guide.

Housing:  Research and coordinate your on- or off-campus housing. Review the resources and links in our Pre-Arrival Guide.

Health Immunizations and Insurance: 确保你接种了所有正确的疫苗,并提交了所需的健康表格. International students must sign up for the College health insurance policy. Alternative policies are not accepted. Visit the Health Insurance webpage for more information.

Pay Your Bill 

Register for Orientation: You will be required to attend an international student orientation program upon arrival. Look for information from your admissions counselor. 

Make Travel Arrangements: You are permitted to enter the U.S. 30 days before the start date on your I-20 or DS-2019. The Elmira-Corning Regional Airport (ELM) is just 10.7 miles / 17.2 km northeast of the College. You can get to the College by rental car, taxi, or car service (Lyft and/or Uber). Visit the Elmira-Corning Regional Airport here.

一旦你制定了旅行计划,让招生办公室知道你到达的时间. 如果你是飞往mg冰球突破豪华版下载-康宁地区机场或乘坐公共汽车到mg冰球突破豪华版下载汽车站, a member of our admissions staff will meet you and bring you to campus. If you arrive by alternate means, let us know when to expect you so we can meet you and have your room ready.

Arrival in the U.S.

Upon arrival to the United States, 不早于学习计划开始前30天,不迟于上课, all new F-1 and J-1 students must:

  • Complete document check-in. Please don’t do this before you arrive in the U.S. because a copy of your I-94 arrival record is required.

To ensure proper processing of SEVIS Registration, all international students must provide copies of the following:

F-1/J-1 Visa Regulations

mg冰球突破豪华版下载的所有非移民国际学生都必须遵守学院政策和联邦移民法规,这些法规管理他们在美国的逗留. When students sign the Form I-20 or DS-2019, 他们同意遵守有关其F-1或J-1身份的所有规章制度.

国土安全部(DHS)认为保持F-1/J-1身份是学生的唯一责任. 招生办公室将帮助你了解政府规定,避免陷阱. The following guidelines can help you.

1. 报告:国土安全部要求学生签证持有人在学期开始的15天内与学校登记. 不报告可能会导致失去法律地位,并可能终止SEVIS记录. 所有国际学生应在其学术课程开始前完成文件登记.  招生办公室将代表所有国际学生向国土安全部报告.

2. Contact Information: International students must report any changes to their address, name, or contact information within 10 days of the change. 学生应向财务援助或DEI办公室报告这些变化,该办公室将通过SEVIS报告. This satisfies the government requirement.

3. 学术:国际学生必须在签发I-20/DS-2019的学校注册并完成每学期的全部课程. The minimum courseload per term is:

  • Undergraduates: 12 credits
  • Graduates: 9 credits

Summer terms are optional. 在随后的秋季或冬季学期中未注册并保持最低学分的学生将被视为不合格. 

4. 全日制注册:所有学生必须在学期开始前的注册期内注册. Any changes must be done by the Registrar’s add-drop deadline. Failure to enroll full-time violates student visa status. Academic advisors will assist students in their course registration.  

5. 注册主任的授权:如果学生由于医疗或学术原因不能完成全部课程, 学生必须获得学术顾问的批准,并在SEVIS系统中获得注册办公室的授权,才能获得减少课程负担的授权. Students should inquire if they are eligible and submit the appropriate form.

6. I-20/DS-2019项目结束日期:如果国际学生计划提前毕业或不能在I-20/DS-2019上列出的项目结束日期之前完成课程, 他们必须在I-20/DS-2019上要求注册办公室缩短或延长他们的项目结束日期. This must be completed at least two weeks before the I-20/DS-2019 program end date.

7. 就业:对F-1/J-1学生的工作资格有严格的限制. 未经授权工作是严重违反身份的行为,可能导致学生的SEVIS记录被终止.

  • F-1/J-1学生可以在上课期间在校兼职(每周不超过20小时),在学校休息期间全职工作.

  • F-1学生只有提前获得课程实践培训(CPT)或可选实践培训(OPT)的资格和授权,才能在校外工作. J-1 students must be eligible and authorized for Academic Training (AT). 所有其他工作(无论是有偿的还是无偿的)都是未经授权的,并且违反了F-1/J-1学生身份. 从事未经授权的校外工作是F-1/J-1学生签证状态被终止的理由.

  • 在校工作或被授权在校外从事带薪工作的学生必须通过向社会保障局填写申请表来申请社会安全号码. It may take a few weeks to obtain a Social Security Number and card.

Additional resources can be found on the DHS website:

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